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Greetings from the Representative Director

At the Annual General Assembly held on July 5th, 2024, directors and auditors were approved, and the Representative Director was officially appointed at the Board of Directors meeting on the same day. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the member institutions for their cooperation in the Japan Association of Nursing Programs in Universities (JANPU), including their continued participation in our many surveys. Currently, there are 306 courses offered at 288 nursing universities in Japan, with an admission capacity of 27,000. For master's programs, there are 223 courses at 213 universities, with an admission capacity of 3,000; and for doctoral programs, there are 130 courses at 127 universities, with an admission capacity of 700.

JANPU’s objective is to contribute to the health and welfare of people by enhancing and developing nursing practice and raising the standard of academic research and study, through mutual cooperation and collaboration among nursing higher education institutions. Nursing universities that assent to this purpose become Association members, and elected or nominated officers form a Board of Directors to develop the medical business/services.

As set forth in our Articles of Incorporation, JANPU is to carry out the following activities: (1) conduct surveys and research on nursing education; (2) ensure and improve nursing education; (3) promote educational programs for advanced practice nurses; (4) propose policies on nursing education; (5) raise awareness of nursing science in society, (6) promote alliance and cooperation between nursing-related organizations and between Japanese and international organizations; and (7) other projects necessary to achieve the objective of this legal entity.

The environment surrounding nursing universities is changing dramatically as Japan's population of 18-year-olds declines due to the low birthrate and aging population, Society5.0 progresses, globalization, and the achievement of the SDGs. The Report of the Central Council for Education's "Grand Design for Higher Education toward 2040" calls for a shift from "what was taught" to "what was acquired by students," and competency-based education is urged from the perspective of guaranteeing the quality of education. Meanwhile, the revision of the Model Core Curriculum for Nursing Education in Japan has begun, and JANPU is preparing a draft based on its survey and research as a commissioned project. In response to changes in society, JANPU will develop projects to meet the needs of nursing science. We have identified three focused agendas and have presented an annual plan to accomplish them. In 2024 fiscal year, we will work on the following focused agenda plan.

2024 Focused Agenda
for Action

Focused Agenda 1. Envision the future of nursing education and build a concrete development path

  • (1) Continue research investigation on the revision of the Model Core Curriculum for Nursing Education in Japan
  • (2) Promote the establishment of the Nursing Competence Evaluation Standards and the CBT question development system
  • (3) Promote the development of the Japan Association of Nursing Programs in Universities version (tentative name) of the pre-practice CBT (Computer Based Testing)/OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) system
  • (4) Promote the development of a nursing education program aimed at developing nursing personnel who are familiar with infectious diseases
  • (5) Provide information that contributes to the promotion of DX education in member institutions
  • (6) Collect information on the introduction of ICT for the national examination for public health nurses, midwives, and nurses

Focused Agenda 2. Envision the ideal way of advanced practical nursing and build a concrete development path

  • (1) Collaboration with other institutions to formulate the APN Grand Design based on the policy and promote the APN education system reform
  • (2) Actively work for the realization of the certification system for nurse practitioners (tentative name) in collaboration with other institutions

Focused Agenda 3. Manage the organization to realize effective association activities and collaborate with nursing-related organizations

  • (1) While collaborating with Japanese Nursing Association and Japan Society of Private Colleges and Universities of Nursing, submit a request letter to Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
  • (2) Establish Articles of Incorporation, regulations, etc., and revise them as appropriate to contribute to more efficient, effective, fair, and transparent organizational management
  • (3) Develop the system and functions of JANPU Network in disaster

Shigeko Horiuchi,
Representative Director,
Japan Association of Nursing Programs in Universities

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